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Let’s close the loophole that allows the importation of cruel animal products illegal to produce in New Zealand.

Sign now to help push forward this important ask for animals, Kiwi farmers and all New Zealanders.

Cruel imports undermine progress

New Zealanders care about animals. We’re vocal and unapologetic about it, urging our politicians to enact bans on cruel practices such as battery cages for hens, sow stalls for pigs, and live lamb cutting (mulesing) of sheep. As a result New Zealand has some of the highest animal welfare laws in the world. ​


However, this progress we have made is undermined by successive trade ministers who permit the import of animal products from countries that fail to meet New Zealand's standards. This fuels cruel practices overseas that would be illegal within our borders.​

Egg-laying hens in an overcrowded battery cage in India (2023) © Shatabdi Chakrabarti _ FI

Battery cages

86% of liquid egg imports in 2022 came from China and Australia where egg-laying hens can be kept in battery cages where there is less space than an A4 sheet of paper per bird leaving them unable to perform natural behaviour such as dust bathing and nesting. New Zealand’s ban on battery cages came into force in 2023.

Egg-laying hens in an overcrowded battery cage in India (2023) © Shatabdi Chakrabarti / FIAPO / We Animals Media

Double standards

Failing to ban cruel imports undermines our progress, as Kiwi products are simply displaced by often cheaper, cruel imports on the supermarket shelf.

It doesn't make sense to ban Kiwi farmers from using certain practices while, at the same time, throwing the doors open to the import of the same cruel products.


83% of New Zealanders agree that imported products from outside New Zealand should respect the same animal welfare standards as those applied in New Zealand.

Help to stop cruel imports

Now, imagine a world where every farmed animal, no matter where they are, has protection, freedom from suffering, and a life worth living.


Let's make it happen.

Extending New Zealand’s welfare standards to imports would meet the expectations of the public, ensure consumption does not fuel inhumane overseas production, provide a level playing field for Kiwi farmers, and present an opportunity to strengthen New Zealand’s leadership on farmed animal welfare at home and abroad.

Marcus Daniell

Marcus Daniell
Olympic tennis medalist who grew up on a sheep and beef farm in Wairarapa

The importing of sub-standard meat products undercuts the efforts of NZ farmers and allows the mistreatment of animals to cross our borders. This is terrible for the animals and existential for our farmers. 


If we all speak out against this we will help countless animals live better lives and also help our New Zealand farmers make an honest living from their hard work.

Walt Cavendish

Walt Cavendish
Dairy Farmer, Waikato

"The welfare gap is growing with many imports not up to the high standards that consumers demand of their Kiwi Farmers, farmers are not able to compete on a level playing field and the high animal welfare standards are ignored on many imported products.

Farmers and consumers deserve better and so do our livestock. Support this cause and make sure that only imports that meet or exceed our animal welfare standards are able to be imported.

If better is possible, good is never enough."

In the news

Farmers Weekly
Rural News.png
Otago Daily Times

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